Ch Vandrarstigens Little
SV-94 Urax Akrobat
Ch Sibbles Affe Barbapappa
Ch Tonsarne Columbine
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Ch Urax Prima-Ballerina
Ch Urax Pajas
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Ch Furstin Fine Flower
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Ch Laroussu's Camenbert
Ch La Rocca's I've got
the Power
Happy vd Rheinpfalz
Ch Indira vd Rheinpfalz
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Ch LP1 La Rocca's Karamelle
Ch Hilane's Corey Hart
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Ch Katinka vd Rheinpfalz
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Highlights |
2010 SSPK Höganäs NAT, Carsten Birk (DK) | BIRV / BVOB - BIS 3 veteran |
2010 SKK Borås NAT, Ingela Nilsson (S) | BH4/BM4 - BIRV/BOBV |
2010 SSPK Borås
NAT, Benny Blid v Schedvin (S) BISVeteran: Wilfred Lohmann (D) |
3 Veteran![]() |
2010 DKK Herning WW-09, Svante Frisk (S) | Veteranclass EX1 - VWW-10 |
2009 SKK Sofiero NAT, Roger Vanhoneaecker (BE) | BIR Veteran / BOB Veteran |
2009 SSPK Höganäs NAT, Anna Törnlöv (S) | BIRV / BOBV - BIS 2 Veteran |
2009 APK Special, Jessica Gruninger (UK) | BIM/BOS - BIRV/BOBV - BISVeteran |
2009 ÖKV Wels INT, MEEW-09, Marija Kavcic (SLO) | V1 - Cert - Cacib - C.I.B & MEEW-09 |
2009 SSPK Borås NAT, Jahn Stääv (S) | BH3/BM3 - BIRVeteran - BIS4Veteran |
2009 SSPK Hässleholm, Leif Lehmann Jörgensen (DK) BIS Veteran: Marianne Östlund-Holmsten (S) | BH2/BM2 - BIRVeteran
- BIS4Veteran![]() |
2009 SKK Malmö INT, Anna Brankovich (SRB) | BIR Veteran /BOB Veteran |
2008 SSPK Höganäs NAT, Leni Finne (FIN) | BH2/BM2 - BIRVeteran - BISVeteran |
2008 SKK Stockholm WW-08, Elina Tan-Hietalahti | EX - Veteranclass 1 - VWW-08 |
2008 SKK Borås NAT, Jorge Nallem (uy) | BIR/BOB - BIRVet - BIGRVeteran |
2008 SSPK Borås NAT, Roger Hartinger (USA | BIM/BOS - BIRVet - BISVeteran |
2005 DKK Hilleröd INT, Nils Jordal (DK) | BH1/BM1 Cert Cacib BIR/BOB DKUCh |
2005 SSPK Lomma NAT, Benny Blid (S) | BH1/BM1 BIR/BOB |
2004 SKK Växjö INT, Nils Molin (S) | BH1/BM1 Cacib BIR/BOB |
2004 SKK Ronneby INT, Neil Graves (CAN) | BH1/BM1 Cacib BIR/BOB |
2004 SKK Ronneby INT, Ann Cuthert (GB) | BH1/BM1 Cacib BIR/BOB BIG4 |
2004 SSPK Ängelholm, Thord Byström (S) | BH1/BM1 BIM/BOS |
2004 SKK Malmö INT, Josef Pahling (D) | BH1/BM1 Cacib BIR/BOB |
2003 SSPK Mariannelund, Petter Fodstad (N) | BH1/BM1 BIM/BOS |
2002 SKK Sofiero NAT, Steffi Kirschbichler (AUT) | BH2/BM2 Cert SUCh |
2002 SSPK Skillingaryd, Birgitta Hasselgren (S) | BH2/BM2 Cert |
2002 SKK Malmö INT, Rudi Hubenthal (N) | BH1/BM1 Cert Cacib BIR/BOB |
BIM / BOS - Ch Laroussu's Godis / Laroussu's BIS - Unicorn King's Lazer / Lilla Clownens |
9x Cert, 3x Cacib, 3x RCacib, Middle East European Winner 2009 & 2x Centennial Winner 2009 / Laroussu's & Unicorn King's |
Best-In-Show Veteran - Laroussu's Godis |
Best-In-Show Veteran - Laroussu's Godis |
BIM Cacib - Ch Laroussu's Livsgnista |
BIG4 - Laroussu's Godis |
to our X-litter born 2008-08-25
Dame: C.I.B SUCh DKUCh SV-09 Laroussu's Rocculla Laroussu's Xplosiv Laroussu's Xellent Laroussu's Xtreme Laroussu's Xotic ![]() |
to Unicorn King's litter born 2005-07-17
Dame: Unicorn King's Nova Unicorn King's Maxie - Knäledsstatus: 0-0 Unicorn King's Razzie Unicorn King's Lazer ![]() |
to our L-litter born 2003-09-04
Dame: SUCh Naomi Vom Friesenhof Laroussu's Logotype Laroussu's Limerick Laroussu's Longshot Laroussu's Lingon ![]() |
to our J-litter born 2002-04-17
Dame: SUCh DKUCh EUJW-97 KBHJW-97 SKBV Laroussu's Delirium Laroussu's Jackpott ![]() |