

e: SEUCh, DKUCh & PLCh Darkle Hunterkin
u: Darkle Emmaline Corsaire
Äg/Ow: Mette-Eline Olsen, Norge

Knäledsstatus / Knees: 0-0
Ögonlyst UA / Eyessreened whitout remarks

Ch Darkle Hunterkin
Ch Yarrow Hi Tech Hunter's Moon
Ch Banana Joe v Tani Kazari
Ch Yarrow Hi Tech Shoot the Moon
Darkle Edwina the Eagle
Ch Darkle Daring and Brave
Clipperreach Little Bo Peep of Darkle
Darkle Emmaline Corsair
Ch Downsbank Tattiebogle with Marchog
Ch Darkle Devil May Care
Kilbarchan's Hotenuff
Laroussu's Cave Canem
Ch Laroussu's Godis
Ch Rosewood American Maid


2018 NAT Bø, Norge, Anna Sume (Est) BIRJunior/BOBJunior
2018 Kristiansand, Norway. Vilmos Kardos (HUN) BIM/BOS - Cert/CC
2018 Lethohallen, Norway. Stavroula Kantzou (GR) BIMValp/BOSPuppy
2018 Lethohallen, Norway. Sven-Olov Gustavsson (N) BIRValp/BOBPuppy

2018 Letohallen, Norway. Arild Thorvaldsen (N)



Laroussu's WW-kull

Avkommor / Offsprings

Mother to Millimeo's litter born 2019-08-13
Sire: NUCh, NJV-17 & DKJV-17 Pedigree's Calvin Klein

NUCh Millimeo's Miracle Man - Knäledsstatus: 0-0