to Ing-Sta's litter born 2009-02-21
Sire: INTUCh, NORDUCh, NORDJV-06 & WW-08 Imrun's Boris Jeltsin Ing-sta's Affen Halu Nero Ing-sta's Affen Hyper Hyper Ing-sta's Affen Heppe Pongo Ing-sta's Affen Haida Tvisti |
to Ing-Sta's litter born 2007-07-09
Sire: NUCh & DKUCh Wirothi's Marius Ing-sta's Affen Åne Åni Kompis Ing-sta's Affen Åse Åselill Pia NUCh Ing-sta's Affen Ålly Å Pixie |
to Ing-Sta's litter born 2005-10-19
Sire: INTUCh, NORDUCh, NV-00 & NORDV-00 Ing-sta's Affen Æge Pepe Pooh Ing-sta's Affen Willy Wonka Ing-sta's Affen Wendy Wilde |